
Special bibliographic series. vol. 1-3. Prepared and edited by the African bibliographic Center Washington, D.C.

African bibliographic Center Washington, D.C.


Éditeur : Negro Universities Press

Année : 1969

Langue : anglais


Réf. Biblethiophile : 1614

Réf. UGS : 91010000


3 vol. en un. Volume I: Ethiopia, 1950-1962 (32 pp.); Trade Unions in Africa ( 7 pp.); Technical Assistance in Africa, 1960- ( 11 pp.); U.S. Treaties with Africa, 1960 ( pp. 9). Volume II: Ethiopian Survey, 1960-1962 ( 12 pp.); current View of Africana ( 32 pp.). Volume III: New Afro-Asian States in Perspective ( 20 pp.); U.S. Treates with Countries of Africa, 1957-1963 (13 pp.); Ethiopian Affairs, 1950-1965 ( iii, 46 pp. ); Sudanese Affairs, 1960-1964 ( ii, 28 pp. ); Le Tiers Monde: ... Survey of Manpower, ( 30 pp.)